dilluns, 28 de juliol del 2008


I don't even know if he still thinks of me
Once he got onboard that unforgiving train
I imagine that he whiled away the time
Through the cold gray morning and the city rain

Thinking of somebody else who'll run to him
Who'll ask him did you miss me, maybe now and then
Laughing he'll say well he met this funny girl
But just a summer think he won't see her again

Oh God I hope I'm wrong
But I'm not feeling very strong
I've been so up and down so sad
So happy, feeling good and bad
I'm young I'm old I laugh I cry

I tell the truth but that's a lie
I've been so in and out so wild
So well behaved so pure defiled oh solitudine
That word I hate to say

And no I was not crazy to do what we did
I even wish I'd been a bit more crazy still
And kept a little more of him to see me through
He loved me all he could I never had my fill

And then I'm back inside my room he knows so well
I feel again the way he moved I take it slow
I talk to him and he becomes a part of me
And then I know he'll never let the summer go

Oh God I hope I'm right
I won't give in without a fight
And I can take the words they throw
At me for none of them could know

That we had something very few
Will ever find their whole life through
I wouldn't change a single day
Although the price I have to pay is solitudine

The loneliness is tearing me apart
It tears me up it pull me down and then
It wraps around my heart oh solitudine
Does he remember all he said to me
I've been so up and down so sad
So happy feeling good and bad

I'm young I'm old I laugh I cry
I tell the truth but that's a lie
I've been so in and out so wild
So well behaved so pure defiled oh solitudine

Does he remember all he said to me
And I can take the words they throw
At me for none of them could know

That we had something very few
Will ever find their whole life through
I wouldn't change single day
Although the price I have to pay is solitudine
The loneliness is tearing me apart, it tears me up
It pulls me down and then it wraps around my heart
Does he remember all he said to me?

Laura Pausini

Després d'un cap de setmana un pèl depriment aquesta és una cançó que em ve al cap... per què en aquests moments em sento sola? No ho sé... però el cap de setmana no ha ajudat a eliminar aquesta sensació sinó el contrari... és depriment sentir-se sol quan estàs envoltat de gent.
Bé, aquí deixo la cançó doncs.

3 comentaris:

Xitus ha dit...

Hola myself,

he llegit la lletra atentament.

Sobre aquesta sensació de solitud, vaig publicar al meu bloc recentment això:

Em sembla entendre't. També dóna un cop d'ull al comentari que m'hi han deixat, amb un poema de Martí i Pol. És interessant.

Petons internàutics.

myself ha dit...

Ei Xitus,
La lletra no és exacta al meu sentiment però serveix per crear ambinet. Sí, ja havia llegit el teu comentari sobre la solitud al teu bloc i m'hi vaig trobar molt identificada perquè justament aquest cap de setmana m'he sentit així, sola, quan estava en teoria envoltada d'amics.
No ho sé, suposo que és una sensació passatgera, o això espero.
Petons també per a tu
Roser (myself)

Borgoth ha dit...

Sé perfectament el que pots arribar a sentir.....